Nutrition for Kids

Peer pressure to eat particular ?trendy? foods at this age is strong. Let your child not get influenced by it. It?s best to limit the amount of money children are given to spend at school or on the way home.

Exercise and activity: Physical activity is an important part of good health. Try to encourage your child to do something active each day, such as a hobby, play a game or be involved in sport. Some parents may also worry about their child?s weight, so inorder to increase activity, try to:

? Limit the amount of time spent watching television for the whole family.
? Do something physical and active together.
? Go and watch your child play sports.
? Encourage daily activity, not just exercise.

Healthy tips for school aged children. Suggestions include:

? Children need a variety of different foods each day.
? Snacks are an important part of a healthy diet for active children.
? Make snacks nutritious, not just high in energy.
? Plan to share meals as a family.
? Enjoy talking and sharing the day?s happenings at mealtimes.
? Let children tell you when they?re full.
? Take lunch from home.
? Let children help with food preparation and meal planning.
? Encourage physical activities for the whole family.
? Encourage children to drink plain water

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