Translated from Spanish: Smoking causes spontaneous abortion
As the picture sums it up best, Smoking can KILL your baby! and if it does not:
- You and/or your partner are endangering your baby’s health and life with smoking? Here are some hard facts of the reality of smokers’ baby’s health and life.
- Birth defects in smoker’s babies include: Deafness, Squints, Hare lips, Heart defects and Cleft plates to mention just a few
- Cigarette smoke reduces oxygen, nutrients and blood flow to your womb. This results in a reduced growth rate in your baby. Later-life health status is dependent on your baby’s birth-weight.
- Children born following smoking pregnancies are usually hyperactive, antisocial, have shorter attention spans, have lower memory capacities and have a greater incidence of delinquency.
- Overall poor organ reserve, weaker immune systems and a greater susceptibility to illness and disease such as respiratory infections, nervous systems and sense disorders, blood disorders, bladder and kidney problems and skin disorders.
Recommended reading to, pregnant parents or future parents planning to become pregnant who are prepared to face the facts of responsible parenthood: Optimum Nutrition Before, During and After Pregnancy by Patrick Holford
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