Have Fun Everyday!

Have Fun Everyday! 1

For good reason many of us dedicate a significant amount of our time to thinking about or actively improving our health! But while we are conscious of adding days to our life, let’s not forget to add life to our busy days. Make sure you make time for fun! Here are a few ideas:

  • Put your favorite music on in the car and sing your heart out. If people laugh at you while you’re stopped in the traffic just give them a wave and laugh with them.
  • Spend 10 minutes completing a crossword puzzle. If you get stuck then quiz the rest of the family or give your friend a call for some help. A bit of fun is good for them too!
  • Have a laugh. Think of something that has happened in your life that made you laugh really hard. You will probably get the giggles all over again.
  • Do something that you enjoy. Go shopping, read a book, take a long relaxing bath, watch your local football team play a game, invite your friend for a round of golf, invite some friends around for a barbecue, play a social game of tennis, go rollerblading, ice-skating or tenpin bowling.
  • Go for a walk along the beach or go for a bush-walk. Take time to breath in the fresh air and admire the beauty of nature.
  • Express your inner child. Go fly a kite or do some drawing or painting. Write a poem. You don’t need to place it on the fridge for all to see if you don’t want to!

So, now there is no excuse. Don’t ever let a day go by without thinking at least once, ‘that was fun!’.

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